Behold, this is red, this is strength

Apparently green deals with heath>

Whats happier then jumping on a beach during sunset....while being yellow!!!

If you can't see the meaning we have an issue

Hmm, this feels weird, I find peace and harmony while partying. I'll leave this to those who worship the fat guy.

I'm all buisness

You have NO IDEA how many strings Chris had to pull to make this legal.

We stole some little girl's snowman head and put a snow head that looks like me. I think we took care of the breast situation pretty well... what a pervy little 4 year old.

Man, this was expensive!

Hurray for painting my baby pics just for your ammusment.... you sickin me, haha just kidding.....kinda, not really

Ok, now you really sickin me. How dare you make me dress up like this.